Bryan and Terry Harms, married for 40 years, have a bicultural background and two adult children, Sara and Samuel, both living in Canada. They initially met during a church-plant project in Caxias do Sul, and, after about 13 years in Canada (and in other parts of Brazil), sensed the Lord’s call to return to Terry’s city of origin. Both Bryan and Terry share interests in travel, hiking, biking, crafts, home renovations, and helping others practically.
In their current ministry, Bryan and Terry focus on Bible teaching and community building. Much of their efforts center on fostering community in small groups, some of which have become virtual since 2020. They also extend their outreach to embrace segments of Terry’s very large extended family living in the city, connecting with them through shared faith and shared experiences. They host events for elderly neighbors, promoting social connections and introducing Christ, and continue to mentor young couples in both pre-marital and early marriage stages, providing guidance and support.