We have a global and equipping approach to leadership. You can see this in the makeup of our Board of Directors, and in the empowerment of our project team leads all over the world. It is this ethos of listening, understanding, and supporting that empowers the contextual kingdom work going on now, and in the future.

Our leadership philosophy is serving one another and striving toward impassioned colleagues, collaborators, and network connections throughout the organization. Communitas is a forward-looking mission, always seeking to equip and empower the next generation of faith leaders.
Geoff Rinehart, President and CEO
Board of Directors
The Calling undertaken by the Board of Directors is to serve our staff with encouragement and accountability. We are humbled to ensure the Mission and Vision of Communitas International moves forward.

Teal Rapp
Board Chair
Austin, TX
Joined: 2019

Sarah Dickson
Board Vice Chair
Post Falls, ID
Joined: 2020

Tony Sheng
Columbia, MD
Joined: 2021

Barbara Macnish
North Yorkshire, UK
Joined: 2021

Geoff Rinehart
President, CEO
Coeur d’Alene, ID
Joined: 2019

Ivan Nishihata
São Paolo, Brazil / Nice, France
Joined: 2019

Brenda Renderos
Rancho Cucamongo, CA
Joined: 2022

Rita Warren
Chair Emeritus
Westlake Village, CA
Would you like to send a message to our Board of Directors? Would you like one of them to contact you personally?
Senior Leadership Team
The Senior Leadership Team exists to bring unity and clarity to our global staff and network connections. We organize and operate with a laser-focus on our mission of starting and shaping communities of faith that love like Jesus in their neighborhood to transform lives, neighborhoods, and the world.
Geoff Rinehart

Geoff Rinehart
President, CEO
Coeur d’Alene, ID

Eric Curtiss
COO & CFO; Treasurer
Colorado Springs, CO

Kevin Johnson
Chief Field Officer
Saint Paul, MN
Previous Presidents of Communitas:
Dudley Callison – 2013 until 2018
Rob Fairbanks – 2009 until 2012
Linus Morris – Founding until 2009

Andrea Asher
Chief People Officer
Denver, CO
Responsible for: Mobilization and Human Resources

Amy Swacina
Chief Wellness Officer
Valencia, Spain
Responsible for: Training and Staff Care & Development

Jon Ritner
Chief Strategy Officer
Burbank, CA
Responsible for: Strategy and Communication
Communitas works in four global regions. These regions are overseen by a regional advancement team, consisting of people ministering in that region. Each team is lead by a director, who is listed below.

Remko Dekker
Director, Western Europe
Delft, The Netherlands

Michael Katzenberger
Director, Central & Eastern Europe
Fresno, CA

Leon Longard
Director, North America
St Cloud, MN

Eduardo Rodrigues
Director, Latin America
Brasilia, Brazil