Church Planting Network
Communitas International equips believers to start communities of faith that love like Jesus in their neighborhoods.

Transformed Lives
Transformed Neighborhoods
Transformed World
Communitas International
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
2 Cor. 3:18 (NIV)

Transformation focused
Paul talks about our very beings transformed into the image of Christ. That transformation root word is metamorphosis, which means to be transfigured into something new, a new kind of being.
As we are transformed into a new kind of being, what does this do to our household? Our families? Our neighbors?
How will this impact the world?
What does this look like in your context?
We endeavor to start communities of faith that love like Jesus. As Jesus said,
“Peace be with you! As the father has sent me, I am sending you.”
John 20:21
The first thing Jesus did after His resurrection was to offer an everlasting peace to his disciples, those who had turned their backs on him only hours before. He offered them a lasting covenant of peace and then commissioned them to go and make disciples.
This is why we start and shape communities of faith that love like Jesus in their neighborhoods. So that people may come to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that will transform them into a new being, and they can share their transformation with their neighbors and also the world.

our story
Before Communitas International looked like it does today, it went through several iterations beginning with youth outreach in Europe throughout the 70s. Our founder, Linus Morris, came to love those he met during his times in Europe. These outreach trips kindled a longing for new expressions of the church in Europe, cultures that had begun to reject Christianity.
Linus and his family moved to Geneva, France in 1980 and planted the church that would become the first of many churches to come out of Communitas International. The second church was started in 1987 in Amsterdam. The love of Jesus and their neighbors drew people to join the organization. As more churches were planted, our approach has continued to evolve to focus on planting contextual churches in each location, churches that love like Jesus in their neighborhoods. One thing became apparent: God was working in these communities to Transform Lives, Transform Neighborhoods, and Transform our World.

Ready for a First step?
Start by filling out a simple form. A Communitas team member will get in touch with you to get to know you and give you more information about the path to the field.