An Adventure Begins in Poland

We’re thrilled to share an update on the Martinez family who recently made the big move from Seattle to Krakow, Poland, as ministry partners and church planters with Communitas! 

Living missionally is all about forming meaningful connections with others. To begin building those relationships in the community, it takes dedication, time and effort. 

In their own words, “It took about a week to get unpacked and organized. Since then, we’ve been busy exploring the city, going to the park and handling all the essentials for life here—getting phone numbers, setting up a bank account, securing Polish ID numbers, health insurance, transportation cards, and more. It feels like there’s always one more thing to set up and one more app to download, as almost everything here has its own app!”

Communitas’ approach to creating communities of faith revolves around six “dynamic behaviors”:

  1. Embed: Root in the local context and build relational networks as an enriching presence. 
  2. Initiate: Start a coordinated gospel-sowing response across a region.
  3. Practice: Live out the identity of Jesus that you invite others into.
  4. Mature: Develop a unique, local expression of the body of Christ.
  5. Hub: Cultivate environments to multiply missional initiatives and churches.
  6. Extend: Fuel movements and support the spread of church planting beyond the city.

Right now, the Martinez family is in the embedding phase—establishing connections and becoming a part of the community.

“One huge and unexpected blessing has been how quickly we’ve started connecting with people,” they share. “Most of our connections have happened at the park, on the street, or in the shop. Interestingly, it’s been through languages—Spanish, Russian, and English—that we’ve connected with others.”

The Martinez family has already shared meals with a local family and hosted them in return, attended a birthday party, where they met even more friends, and connected with another family where the wife speaks Spanish—future get-togethers are already in the works! So far, they’ve met and talked with people from 14 different nations.

With every new journey, there are blessings and hardships, but one thing is for sure. God is always there, present and active. God is working through the Martinez family as they embrace this new chapter in Krakow. 

Is God calling you on an adventure? Visit to learn more and discover how you can get involved.

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