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Our Commitment

As partners with you, we make three important commitments in being stewards of financial resources:

  1. We will always use your contribution to fulfill the mission and vision God has given us.
  2. We will explain our financial situation clearly and consistently, which includes completing an annual audit of our books.
  3. We respect the partnership we have with donors and will be available to answer any questions or comments you have.

On behalf of the people we minister to in Europe, North America, and Latin America, we thank you for your gift to God’s Kingdom work.

Our US-based organization partners with multiple regional and local nonprofits.

Christian Associates UK is a registered charity in the UK, number 1070351.

If you are a UK taxpayer, the Government’s GIFT AID scheme means Christian Associates UK can reclaim the tax you have already paid on your gift. Currently, this means that your gift can increase its value by 25% at no extra cost to you.

Stichting Christian Associates Europe

For tax deduction purposes, CAI have full ANBI status.
For your tax return use RSIN # 8039.53.811.

Christian Associates Germany e.V.

Christian Associates Germany e.V. is a registered German Verein

Amtsgericht Münster Aktenzeichen VR 4637

Do you have questions or concerns about our financial information? Let us know below!

  • This is used to make sure we put you in contact with the right people!
  • For more details on how we handle your data, please read our privacy policy.