Bradley & Hannah Smith

Two California natives, Brad and Hannah entered into full-time ministry when they followed a God-placed stirring in their hearts. This desire to see disciples made led them first to Aix en Provence in the south of France for Brad to work as a worship director and faith community developer. After three years, they felt it was time to hand off the worship ministry and devote all their efforts to raising up and mobilizing disciple-makers. They moved to Utrecht, The Netherlands, and Brad joined the Communitas Benelux Advancement Team where he focused on evangelism and discipleship training.

After two wonderful years in The Netherlands, Brad was blessed to see a national raised up to expand their work in the Benelux as they followed the Lord back to the USA to Richmond, Virginia, where they now live and serve.

Brad is currently Communitas’ Director of Training and loves shepherding missionaries to become “equipped for every good work” especially multiplying faith communities that love like Jesus in their neighborhood. They have two boys, Hudson and Sawyer, and love people, the city, good food and drink, music and art, and getting out into nature.


Time on Staff


Director of Training
Director of Training


Atascadero, California, USA

Personal Biography

<p>Between an adolescent love for a BMX bike and rock guitar, I’ve always found myself in places with people who didn’t fit the mold of sanitized America. Coupled with an early childhood love for Jesus, I love the creative adventure of partnering with Him to see the gospel go into places often forgotten, overlooked, or deemed too far gone.</p>