Brenda Renderos

Brenda has always had a knack for questioning the status quo. The questions have often been inner and personal but in recent years she has become more vocal. Her questions are not just for the sake of questioning but to deepen her understanding and guard against blindly following tradition.

Brenda is a Soul Care Coach as well as a lead mentor with a non-profit organization for women and spiritual formation. She has years of experience of working on a church staff, leading overseas outreach trips, mentoring, teaching, and public speaking. She is actively involved in a Racial Reconciliation church training program as part of the teaching team. Brenda holds a B.A. in Christian Studies and is an ICF (International Coaching Federation) certified Life and Soul Care Coach.

Brenda was born in New Jersey but the family settled in Southern California when she was young after living in Mexico City for two years.

Brenda and her husband (Gerson) met as Teacher Assistants at a rally advocating for educational employees. Social Justice continues to be a driving value for them both. She is also deeply passionate about diversity. Brenda whole heartily believes that the “family table” of the Church is best when those from various cultures, backgrounds, male and female are valued and celebrated.

Brenda and Gerson have three young adult children. Each of their names has a special meaning. Brenson, the eldest son, is the combination of Brenda and Gerson’s names. Mia, their middle daughter, means “mine” in Spanish and is a reminder that she is the Lord’s. Jordan, their youngest son, represents the crossing from the old into the new as in Bible. Jordan completed their family through the blessing of adoption.

Brenda’s life mission is to partner with people to find greater life balance and spiritual health which she believes fits well with the heart of Communitas. She is honored to be a part of this organization.


Time on Staff


Board Member
Board Member


New Jersey, USA

Personal Biography

<p>It’s not about my name being great. It’s about His name giving us full access. -Albert Tate</p> <p>Ambivert | ENFJ | Enn 2</p> <p>Hiking | LA Galaxy | Foodie | FC Barcelona | Dark Chocolate | Dogs + Cats | Sun Chaser</p>