Brent & Becky Colaw

For over 25 years Brent has served in both corporate and ministry worlds helping leaders, both individually and corporately discover, define, communicate and activate their mission, vision and values. While working toward his degree in communications at Oklahoma Wesleyan University Brent began his career helping to build a successful non-profit development consulting firm. He further refined his communications skills working in the creative team at a marketing and design agency. In 2000 Brent moved into the church world and discovered a life long passion for leading and shaping churches through inviting and equipping Christ followers to embrace God’s call into a deepening relationship and to engaging their communities as ambassadors of His love.

In 2006 Brent joined the staff of Communitas International helping coordinate their communications efforts before moving to California, in 2008, to plant Kaleo Fellowship, Communitas’ first North American church plant. After 10 years of learning by leading Brent will be helping Communitas develop the support systems needed to recruit, develop, resource, coach and care for leaders and families starting and shaping missional faith communities in North America. Together with the North American Advancement Team, Brent dreams of creating a community of Christ followers, whom the Spirit is raising up, to create the new expressions of church needed to reach the generations of Americans that have largely rejected the current institutions of christendom.

Brent is currently in the ministry partner development stage, prayerfully building a team of partners who will support his ministry as the North American Director of Staff Care and Development.

Brent, his wife of almost 25 years, Becky, and their 4 children (one in Jr. High one in High School and two in College) live in Bakersfield, CA where Becky leads the local Parent Life program of Youth for Christ and utilizes her 20 plus years of experience working for abused children in both state and private agencies by teaching foster parenting classes and directing the adoptions program for a private foster care and adoption agency.

StrengthsFinder: Communication, Strategic, Positivity, Futuristic, Woo



Time on Staff
9 Years


Director, North America Staff Care and Development
Director, North America Staff Care and Development


Personal Biography



Personal Biography