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Jay Benfante

I am an inspired follower of Jesus who believes God loved humanity so much that he entered into our pain, our dysfunction, our selfishness, our greed, our violence, and our suffering; he heals us, redeems us, and walks with us through these things; and he invites us on the same Journey with our friends, our neighbors, and our enemies.

Along with this, I am a lover of travel, the wilderness, Ping-Pong, and enjoying and hearing the story of every new friend I encounter.

My adventure in the Balkans started as an exploratory trip with my local church in Virginia and Serve the City International. We partnered with and worked alongside local Kosovars to see neighborhoods in Prishtina brought together and changed by acting with loving-kindness to meet the practical needs of poor neighbors and invite them into a vision of lending a hand themselves.

Through this trip and two trips since, I sense that the needs of this community are better served through long-lasting friendship and consistent contact. I plan to live in Kosovo full time to inspire local leaders who often lack inspiration that things could ever be different and to love as Jesus loved; personally, sacrificially, and authentically.

I go as a catalyst for acts of love that are inspired by Jesus but open to all who sense a call into solidarity with their struggling neighbor or their hurting friend. I will be partnering with Communitas International and Serve the City International. I hope to build networks of neighbors who love one another (like I believe God loves us) in Kosovo, as well as acting as a partner to those in other regions of the Balkans who wish to start similar serving movements of their own. Thanks for taking the time to hear a little of my story, for your support, and for your partnership.


Time on Staff


Missional Catalyst
Missional Catalyst


Chesapeake, Virginia, USA

Personal Biography

<p>I’m Jay! I’ve been on a Journey of following Jesus since I was 7 years old. I am an endurance athlete by hobby, loving long runs, hikes, and bike rides that help me find new ends of myself. I’ve been a Major Label recording artist by luck and a functioning business owner and coffee roaster by struggle. My friends are more important than most things to me. Few things are worth doing alone!</p>