Julie Ippolito

As often is the case with many of us, Julie has come to recognize that throughout her entire life, God’s hand has been mapping her course for such a time as this. With a family representing generations of pastors and missionaries, she has witnessed firsthand “the good, the bad and the ugly” aspects of professional ministry which has created in her a desire to come alongside those who have dedicated their lives to serving others. She has spent a lifetime as a professional therapist where she has counseled all walks of life, practicing in the private sector, as well as within churches, non-profits and women’s centers.

Julie also spent several years as a lobbyist defending low income families, non-profit organizations and MADD which fueled a growing passion to work directly with victims of trauma in it’s various forms. She is a member of Green Cross, an organization that deploys qualified individuals to disaster sites to help with those impacted by tragedy. Recognizing that those in the mission field also find themselves faced with the effects of trauma both personal and in their community, Julie is thrilled to be part of Communitas with the opportunity to be sent wherever God reveals a need. When not out in the field, Julie lives in New England with her husband Sal who is the Executive Director of New England Fellowship’s Camps and Conference Center.


Time on Staff


Staff Care and Development
Staff Care and Development


Personal Biography