Kevin & Kathy Johnson

Our journey to Communitas began with a dream. A dream of experiencing the beauty of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. When I realized Communitas was making that happen our family was off to The Netherlands to be a part of such a grace-filled enterprise. We have never looked back. After pastoring Crossroads Church of The Hague I moved into a role of helping launch new projects in Western Europe. Presently, I work with a team of people who lead our various regions. And I get to spark new church plants in new places. Some call me the Chief Instigating Officer, but they could mean that in a couple of ways.


Time on Staff


Chief Field Officer
Chief Field Officer


St. Paul, MN

Personal Biography

<p>My greatest passion in life is to share the love of God. This has led me to numerous places and pursuits. From pastoring and church planting to starting a business and working in the marketplace. I am an introverted people person, if that makes sense. I enjoy lifelong friendships, vigorous physicality, especially outdoors, and reading great books. Oh, and being a grandpa is a pretty good gig.</p>