Rachel Carrier

Since she grew up in church (and even lived on a church camp) Rachel doesn’t remember the first time she heard about Jesus. However, she vividly remembers the day she turned her life around to follow Him. After getting caught up in what the world had to offer, at 15 she realized she had to make some changes and that she truly needed God. God’s definition of love was the only definition she needed.

People have called her “passionate” and “determined” since day one, so naturally when she decided to follow Jesus, Rachel dove in head first. She went on her first mission trip at 17 and knew she wanted to be a part of missions for the rest of her life. She wanted the rest of the world to experience the same redemption she experienced. After returning home, Rachel took the steps to enroll in college the next semester and start her major in Cross-Cultural Studies at Howard Payne University. 

While studying Missions Ministry, Rachel got a job at a local church as the associate youth pastor. Thinking it would be a short-term job and planning to move overseas once she graduated in 2019, Rachel realized that her plan and God’s plan were very different. Over time she grew to love the University’s town. She and her now husband laugh at the 180 the Lord did on Rachel’s heart. She went from wanting to move overseas as soon as possible, to knowing she was called to the small town of Brownwood and loving it.

Her passion for missions never went away. Oftentimes, Rachel viewed it as a burden, questioning how this passion for missions and calling to a small Texas town could both be from the Lord. After years of questioning and not understanding, the Lord brought Rachel to Communitas International where she could live in her small town and have a major role in Missions Ministry. 

Through Communitas International, Rachel has the honor of finding, preparing, and sending missionaries to the field. Using her skills and studies in missions, Rachel mobilizes Christian leaders to take the Kingdom of Heaven to the ends of the Earth. 

“God’s calling in my life has seemed so specific and nearly impossible at times. I can’t wait to partner with others and shepherd them towards God’s calling on their life! If he can redeem and call me to greater things, he can do the same for anyone else” – Rachel Carrier.


Time on Staff
First Year


Global Mobilizer
Global Mobilizer


Abilene, TX

Personal Biography

My enneagram is a 7w8 and my Myers Briggs is an ENFP the “Campaigner”. I love my husband, our three dogs, exploring new places, and good movies!