Scott, Jacqui, & Sara Curley

Scott is originally from New Jersey and Jacqui is from Philadelphia. But they had to go all the way down to Columbia International University in South Carolina, where they were both training for missions, in order to meet. They were married in 1993.

Scott needed to do a one-year internship to complete his M.Div. in Urban Church Planting. They heard about an opportunity with Communitas to help get a new church started in The Hague, The Netherlands. So they went in April, 1997 to join the church planting team there. At the end of the internship, they realized that they loved this church plant, and they wanted to stay. So the one-year internship turned into 14 years of service! In 2000, Sara joined the family, and they realized that they love being her parents!

In 2011 they moved out of The Netherlands to embark on a new challenge. They were invited to move to Glasgow, Scotland and to join the Communitas church planting team there, called “Mosaic”. It took two years to get a work permit visa, but they eventually arrived in 2013.

They have learned that God’s ways are higher than our ways and his timing is not always the same as ours! God eventually led them back to the US, where they are now living in Philadelphia, PA. Scott is serving on the Mobilization team, helping to raise up the next wave of church planters. Jesus’ called us to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field. Scott is praying that prayer and working to help that prayer get answered.


Time on Staff


Global Mobilizer
Global Mobilizer


Oakland, NJ

Personal Biography

<p>I am a fan of frisbee, stroopwafels (Dutch cookies) and photography. I build relationships and connect people to God, to one another, and to God’s purposes. I love God, my wife and daughter, and the people God has made. God is my favorite artist, and I enjoy observing and interacting with his handiwork.</p>