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Stuart & Lynsey Gilmour

Our mission is to use our experience, gifts and talents through activities we personally would engage with, to share truth, reason, encouragement, and empathy to those who feel lost, alone, uncertain, and angry. 

At time of writing (June 2024) we are focussing on our Education Service: SL TREE, which provides Mental Health, Substance Misuse, Relationships, Sexual Health, and Parenthood talks, videos, and resources.

Alongside this, we provide prayer and pastoral support to a wide variety of people from various walks of life in a network concerned about the rights of women and children. 

In addition, we are always developing creative ideas for artistic and musical projects and events, whilst taking any opportunity we can to preach and teach, including as a volunteer speaker for Compassion International. 

The Past
We met in the late 2000’s, in a secular alternative music community at a time when we were both stumbling our way back to a healthier place with God, having suffered in the preceding years.

We rejoice in the way God brought us together, having been part of the same scene for years, we were unaware that one day we would talk, fall in love, get married, have four wonderful children, and share in this mission.

Our dreams and hopes were aligned: we wanted to teach, to preach, to share faith, and to serve others, we shared a heart for the disillusioned, the sceptics, the cynics, and rebels and wanted to share the hope that is found in Jesus, and the wisdom of God that can make a difference in the life of those who feel lost, alone, uncertain, and angry.

We shared a passion for justice, film, documentaries, comedy, music, art, performance, debates, literature, and other expressive arts, and it was clear to us that using these passions could be instrumental in helping us find and serve those people. 

We married in 2012 and set out in 2015 on a part-time basis as SL TREE, to provide income that would help support our wider ministry ideas, and in 2017 we became affiliates of Communitas, having received such a warm and encouraging welcome from the Kurtyka’s, and the Whites.

The ministry began as Scum for Scotland, and has had name changes since, (Is this it? What is Truth? SIC Promotions). 
We have taken different approaches over the years too, as we have followed God’s leading, (Pub debates/discussions, preaching in local churches, music events, mission team support, and pastoral support within a women’s rights network).

It was becoming clear to us that ours was a kind of nomadic mission, where we go, try, and do what and where God leads. 2020 was a challenging year for the world, but despite our own setbacks, we kept trusting and trying, waiting, and praying.

We found ourselves focussing on Lynsey’s ministry as she became instrumental to a women’s rights network’s establishment, development, and activities which were a remarkable success. Lynsey was serving the very people we wanted to reach, the disillusioned, the sceptics, the cynics, and rebels. There was loneliness, uncertainty, and anger within the community and, so many of them talked of the need for services like SL TREE. 

In 2024, having met with significant figures in Scotland’s Education, Sexual Health, and Mental Health concerns, they confirmed that teachers and parents needed the truthful, reasonable, encouraging, and empathetic talks and resources we have been providing.

The Future
We currently have four hopes.

1. That the number of people accessing SL TREE’s talks, videos, and resources will increase, and that we will begin hearing stories of how they have helped others.
2. That the artistic/musical projects we develop will come to fruition and that they will be well received and have a positive impact on those who engage.
3. That we will have more opportunities to straight up preach and teach the Gospel.
4. That God will continue to guide us in the way we should go, and that He will meet our material needs as we continue on this mission.


Time on Staff


Mission Partner
Mission Partner



Personal Biography

<p>Stuff I make/do/enjoy: Teaching Resources, Electronic Music/Preach, Teach, Speak, Research, Develop Ideas, and crack terrible jokes/Watching football (Rangers & Scotland), Watching Films, Comedy, Conversation, Natures Beauty…<br /> “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Rev 21:4</p>
Mission Partner



Personal Biography

<p>Stuff I make/do/enjoy: Upcycling, Poetry, Writing, Art/Prayer, Pastorally Support, Research/Conversation, Socialising, Interior Decoration Reading, Japan<br /> “Be still and Know that I am God” Psalm 46:10</p>