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50 Years of Impact

Communitas International is celebrating 50 years of God at work through our movement. With you, we start churches who think, care, and act like Jesus in the world. These churches and church-planting projects are actively reaching people in need across Europe, North America, and Latin America, proclaiming salvation and demonstrating grace to those who desperately need it. With us, you are helping launch new fellowships that are faithful to Jesus, fulfilling the Great Commission!

We’ve just concluded our 50 year celebration conference (photo above), at which our founder, Linus Morris, and long-time board chair Rita Warren, gave glory to God for what HE has done through this mission–and setting great expectation for continuing missional impact in the next 50 years!

Communitas starts churches “who follow Jesus in transforming their world” (our mission statement). We raise up and train missional pioneers within their home contexts, and we send missionaries cross-culturally. Over 200 front-line team members serve God within Communitas as we press forward into the disciple-making mission God has given us with you.

In 1968, Christian Associates International was launched as a campus ministry at UCLA. Over the last five decades, God has changed this ministry into a global church planting movement. Today, over 200 missional workers from 20 countries are at work in over 100 churches and church-planting projects in 25 nations.

We believe the church is the very presence of Christ in culture. And we believe in the unique calling God has placed on all of us to start life-giving expressions of Christ’s church where it’s needed most. With every prayer, gift, and story you share, you participate in the Great Commission with us. Words simply cannot convey the extent of our gratitude for you! Please let us know how we may serve you in your pursuit of your Kingdom calling by CLICKING HERE.

Ready for a  First step?

Start by filling out a Discovery Conversation form. A Communitas team member will get in touch with you to walk you through the path to the field.
