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6 Ways to Be On Mission This Summer

Summer is underway and our rhythms have changed. For some of us, kids are home, work is slower, and there is more flexibility in our schedule. This is a great chance to be more intentionally on mission with our neighbors. What could that look like? 

Here are six ideas to beat the humdrums of summer by focusing on God’s kingdom!

  1. Have a neighborhood party to build relationships.

Summer is a great time for a block party. Plan things yourself or do a potluck. Invite all the neighbors for some food and fun! Provide group games or water balloon fights so people can mingle. Do you know your neighbors? That is the first step in intentionally serving them and sharing the love of Christ with them.

  1. Go on a mission scoping project.

If global missions excites you, and summer brings free time, pray and think about where God may be leading you to serve. Organizations like Communitas have mission coaches to guide you in your exploration as well as inform you of the needs available. Some also have scoping projects to see the area and people in which you’re interested. If God is tugging at your heart to be more involved in missions, you can reach out to one of our Mission Coaches here

  1. Volunteer at your church.

Many opportunities abound in your local church. Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) and youth camps run every year and need volunteers. Not only locally but throughout the world, volunteers help with camps such as these. It’s one of the major ways that kids and their families get connected to their local churches.

  1. Put on your own summer “camp.”

Some people would never go to a church looking for VBS or camp, so you could create your own! Find resources from your church or the internet. Plan snacks, games, and a short Bible lesson that your local neighborhood kids or teens would enjoy. Enlist friends to help if it sounds overwhelming. The body of Christ is there to support each other.

  1. Volunteer for other nonprofits.

In addition to your local church, food pantries, homeless shelters and pregnancy centers are always looking for volunteers. Individuals can serve their community, teens can get volunteer hours or a possible internship, or families can serve together. Consider inviting a friend who isn’t a follower of Christ to help. Many folks enjoy volunteering and it’s one way to build a relationship with your neighbor or coworker and begin conversations about faith.

  1. Put on a mission fundraiser.

Summer is the best time for lemonade stands, bake sales and yard sales. Give potential customers an added incentive by donating the proceeds to a missions group, a missionary or a local nonprofit. Save pennies, recycle cans, have an auction. The fundraising possibilities are endless. Make it fun and involve family and friends.

Summer breaks up our normal routines in a good way. We start dreaming and thinking about adventure. What better adventure is there than journeying with God as He works in your local neighborhood… and the world!

Communitas International: Transformed Lives… Transformed Neighborhoods… Transformed World. 

Ready for a  First step?

Start by filling out a Discovery Conversation form. A Communitas team member will get in touch with you to walk you through the path to the field.
