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God Can Find Anyone!

Communitas International is reaching the world for Christ through many ministries, and God is touching people in many ways. If God can speak through a donkey, as we read in Scripture, He can use anything to spread the name of Christ… even social media!

In Brazil, Communitas missional staff Martha and Bob Robbins are seeing people come to their church because of Instagram. Pedro (name changed for anonymity) is a Brazilian who taught himself how to speak English through movies and video games. He tried to visit the Robbins’ church three times after seeing the church on Instagram, but for some reason turned around and went home each time. 

One day, however, he had the courage to attend. He had been searching for Jesus on his own, but realized he needed help. He decided to participate in a service hoping to hear more about Jesus. And he did hear about Jesus!

On that particular day, Sampa Church had around 20 first and second time guests. All of them were there because of the church’s Instagram feed. Sometimes social media gets a bad rap, but God can use anything for His purposes!

Sampa church meets in a shopping mall movie theater, which is a blessing in disguise as well. During the service, three mall security guards often stand at the back of the church, listening to the mall communications in one ear and the Portuguese translation of Sampa Church in the other. God is providing opportunities for them to hear the gospel while working! 

Clearly, God is using whatever is available to bring people to a knowledge of the gospel. From Instagram, to a busy mall, it can all be used for His purposes. What can you find to reach people for Christ in your context? The options are endless, and God is moving and shaking things up as we respond in obedience to Him!

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