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Honoring Our Founder, Linus Morris

This past October, the founder of Communitas International (formerly Christian Associates International), Linus Morris, was honored at an 80th birthday party thrown by his daughter Laina Graf and her family, along with many other Morris family members, various guests and people whose lives have been touched and impacted by Linus and Sharon.

In typical Linus fashion, he spoke about drafting in Sharon’s wake, coming to Christ early in their marriage as a result of her witness to him and changing the course of his life and the lives of many others, including the writer of this piece.

When Linus played on a Christian basketball team that traveled abroad in the early 60’s and began sharing the gospel with anyone who would listen, it was the beginning of a love for Europe that finally resulted in the entire Morris family – Sharon and Linus and six kids – relocating to Geneva, France and planting a church with a team of other families who believed in the same kind of outreach.  Crossroads Geneva, our mission’s first church plant, was born.  Years later, Linus and Sharon founded Crossroads Amsterdam, another Communitas-founded church that is still thriving.  They came back to California and a church job, but Linus’ desire to do missionary work wasn’t finished, and Christian Associates was born. 

Today, we at Communitas continue to honor Linus Morris, the founder of our ministry, and bless him for the work and prayers and hardship he and his family endured so that the gospel of Jesus Christ could be preached and shared in Europe and now around the world.  If you know Linus at all, you know that, beyond his dedication and commitment to Jesus, he is an amazing, fun, gracious, loving man.  It is a blessing to know him and to have shared a bit of life with him.

Rita Warren, Board Chair Emeritus

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