It’s Never Too Late to Answer the Call: Bringing Hope to the Czech Republic

Committing to being a missionary overseas can seem daunting. It might feel like a call for the younger generation to embrace risk and adventure. But because of your support, we’re seeing more people embark on this incredible journey later in life, as a second career!

Jim spent 35 years in commercial banking, and Candy served at their local church for 21 years. It wasn’t until 2000 that they felt the tug to go on short-term mission trips, visiting places like Mexico, Africa, and eventually, the Czech Republic. Their first trip to Písek in 2009, leading a youth basketball camp, ignited something deeper.

Candy recalls, “The Czech Republic is one of the least religious and most atheistic countries in the world. This truly broke our hearts as we fell in love with the Czech children. We felt compelled to return.”

Thanks to supporters like you, they could keep returning and eventually answer the call to move to Písek full-time in 2019.

Over ten years, Jim and Candy led 17 teams for basketball, soccer, and children’s English camps, forming deep relationships with the Czech people. It felt like home. But the journey wasn’t without fear. Candy shares, “Fear was a common emotion as we wrestled with the unknown, but we decided not to let fear stop us from following God’s call.”

Because of the trust you helped them build, Jim and Candy have spent the last five years witnessing God’s miracles firsthand. Jim reflects, “We’ve seen God’s grace, love, and power in uncountable ways. We’re so thankful we didn’t let fear win.”

Of course, missions aren’t without sacrifice. “The hardest part for us,” they admit, “is being away from family.” But even in the challenges, Jim and Candy see the beauty of God’s plan. And your prayers and support make it all possible.

Are you feeling the nudge to explore missions – whether overseas or stateside? Know that it’s never too late, and you’re never too old. Jim and Candy’s journey proves that! Reach out whether you’re young or more mature in years to explore how you can continue transforming lives today! Your partnership brings hope to the nations.

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