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Pilgrims in This Land

Communitas International’s vision of transformed lives, transformed neighborhoods, and a transformed world includes creating space for our missional staff to experience spiritual transformation as we journey with God through life. One such experience took place recently in the form of a literal journey known as a pilgrimage. 

A pilgrim is a person on a journey. In April, Amy Swacina, our Chief Wellness Officer who oversees our Staff Care and Training teams, led a team of ten pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago in northern Spain. The Camino (translated as The Way of St. James) is a network of pilgrimage trails starting in Portugal, Spain, and France that all lead to the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northwest Spain. Tradition holds that this cathedral is the burial site of the apostle James. 

Since the Middle Ages, perhaps millions of people have walked this pilgrimage as a spiritual exercise. As followers of Jesus, we don’t hike the Way of St. James as a cultural relic of centuries past, but as an opportunity for connection with God and people… and reaching others with the Gospel. 

Amy’s group journeyed on The Way as a Soul Care Retreat for Communitas. Walking just over 102 kilometers from Vigo, Spain to Santiago de Compostela, participants came from Scotland, France, Italy, Spain, and Minnesota. Each arrived with their own expectations, their own experiences, their own baggage. And, in this case, of course, an actual backpack.  

Each day they reflected on a different Psalm of Ascent as they walked, to facilitate experiencing God’s presence. Walking with God is a metaphor used to describe our spiritual journey. While walking, God encourages through the tough climbs and steep declines, supports through the hunger, gives strength during the tiredness, and is a constant companion, step by step. The preparation needed to take such a pilgrimage is less physical and more mental and spiritual. 

The group arrived at Santiago de Compostela on Monday of Holy Week. The following are reflections from some of the pilgrims:

“Physically and spiritually journeying on the Camino had a profound impact on my spiritual walk in this season. Meeting God in the midst of beauty and pain, walking with others and finding our parallel paths, and simply being present with God and others without distraction or agenda was such a needed renewal in this moment.” – JP

“It’s hard to articulate what makes the Camino such a spiritual experience. Like many ‘thin places’ you just sort of feel it, as if the prayers and aspirations of countless pilgrims over hundreds of years have paved the journey. Aside from this, I think there is something significant that takes place when we set out as pilgrims. We all have outer lives and inner lives. On a pilgrimage, we allow space for our outer journeys and inner journeys to align. The great ‘revelation’ of the pilgrim is that this has always been the case, but it is of course, much easier to see when you are looking for it. The whole experience was a powerful reminder that God is always with us and always speaking—we just need to have our eyes and ears turned toward Him.” – AS 

“I arrived in Spain ready for a physical pilgrimage, but most importantly ready for a Spiritual/inner pilgrimage of my heart: one that would challenge, renew, and refresh my soul and my walk with Jesus. This was a life-changing experience that will forever shape me and my fellow pilgrims who journeyed with me. I am beyond grateful to God and to Communitas International for this experience.” – HH 

Communitas International’s mission is to start and shape communities of faith that love like Jesus in their neighborhoods. A Soul Care retreat like this one allows missionary staff and other friends to step away from difficult ministry situations and draw closer to our source of life, Jesus Himself. If you sense God calling you to holistic ministry and mission with fellow pilgrims who are “on the Way,” please reach out to us for a conversation! 

Ready for a  First step?

Start by filling out a Discovery Conversation form. A Communitas team member will get in touch with you to walk you through the path to the field.
