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“Stay!” or “Go!”

In our current state of mobility in the world, the stability of growing up in the same community, developing childhood friendships into adulthood, and having that “staying” mentality seems lost. Some may long for those days and the rootedness of those traditional values. 

At the same time, as Christians, we may think the extreme opposite—that God calls us all to go to the ends of the earth, that overseas missions is always the higher calling. That, too, is not always the case. Ultimately, what is most important is answering the question, “What is God calling me to do? Stay or go? And what does that imply?” 

For some of us, God is clearly saying, “Stay.” Stay to help others see Christ in you; stay to build up and serve those who are marginalized in your community; stay to teach and reach others for the cause of Christ. For many of us, it’s easy to stay. It’s comfortable. There’s no risk. Change can be scary. So when God says, “Stay,” we say, “Yes, Lord.” But if we stay and are not active in serving God where we are, we are not fully obeying that command to stay. For when God says, “Stay,” He is saying there is still much to do where you are. Stay and be a light. Stay and seek out the lost. Stay and fight against injustices.

For others of us, we don’t want to stay. We want to go. We want adventure. We want something new. But when God says, “Stay,” that’s exactly what we are to do! There is work to be done wherever we are. We need to allow God to open our eyes to the needs in our neighborhood and community and step into it, and we might just find the adventure we are looking for. God is everywhere and His harvest is everywhere. God has much to do through you in your location.

For some of us, God says, “Go!” It’s time to take a risk with God and trust in His faithfulness. If you have clearly heard God say, “Go!” but you’re digging in your heels, coming up with excuses or endless questions just to stall under the guise of “getting all the information first,” know that God is compassionate and patient, but He will not stop calling. 

If you’ve heard the call to go, go! He’s called you. You are able and worthy and He is with you—as He’s always been with you. He will lead you and equip you as He did Moses, and Elijah, and the disciples, and Paul. He would not call you if He did not think you could do it. You can do this! You are ready. Take the next steps. Talk to your local church; research your options; talk to missionaries you know.

Communitas is both local and global because God is calling some people to stay and some to go. We have national and overseas projects. We want to equip and send you to do God’s mission. Contact us at to hear more about what God is doing. 

There is no better place to be than where God calls you. Whether it’s to stay or go, God is calling. He will take you on the adventure of your life and you will find the blessings that come with partnering in kingdom work. Will you hear and follow?

Ready for a  First step?

Start by filling out a Discovery Conversation form. A Communitas team member will get in touch with you to walk you through the path to the field.
