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Why Go? – Follow God’s Invitations to say “Yes”

Sometimes God leads us through multiple invitations to say “Yes,” each followed by small steps forward that lead us where He wants us to go.

Melinda Means didn’t end up on mission in Berlin, Germany the “typical” way. There was no dramatic “call” to join a mission. Just quiet whispers and open doors. God nudged her ever-so-gently. And from one opportunity to the next, she kept saying “Yes.”

When she was eighteen, she took a gap year in Germany, back when the Berlin wall still divided East and West. She didn’t know the language but was deeply drawn to experiencing a different culture. She lived with a Catholic family and was able to learn various creeds and Biblical words in German through the family’s involvement in their local parish. Her knowledge of German and Germany grew.

After returning to the States, she studied psychology and German, and then said “Yes” to an invitation to teach in Vienna, Austria for a year. God was continuing to grow her love for Europe and the German language.

After completing her masters, the Berlin wall had just fallen. Through a social work internship in Berlin, Melinda again said “Yes” to returning to German-speaking Europe. She connected with an International Church, which led the pastor to invite her to stay for a two-year stint to help the church grow. Being young and single, the opportunity to continue serving the Lord and improve her German were ideal reasons to stay and help this church. So she said, “Yes.”

After another return to the US, Melinda met the founder of Communitas, Linus Morris. His vision for a recently opened Europe was for missional partners to start vibrant churches and to live on mission in cities with very little or no Gospel witness. Less than 2% of Europeans know Jesus personally. There was great opportunity and spiritual openness, and many people were inspired to join the movement of God. And He had planted another seed in Melinda. 

It took eight more years for Melinda to say “Yes” to full time service with Communitas! When the moment came, she saw how God had weaved her story through short trips to Europe, through her love of the German language, and through her heart to help and serve in the name of Christ. God had been leading her from Yes to Yes to Yes. How could she not say “Yes” to the opportunity to join God in His amazing work?

What is God asking YOU to say “Yes” to? Just like Melinda, the gifts, experiences, and opportunities God has placed in your life are there for a reason. What is your story? Where is God asking you to say “Yes?” 

If you would like to speak with someone who could help you think through what crazy next steps into a life on mission could look like, just say “Yes.” A missional coach can help you think through options when you click here.

As she lives on mission in Berlin, Germany, Melinda Means currently serves locally in many ways and globally on the Staff Care and Development team. She loves helping our staff connect with ministry partners and accompanying new missional workers as they make the transition to the field. She has served with Communitas for 18 years and has lived in Europe, overall, for 24 years. We thank God for faithful servants of Jesus like Melinda!

Ready for a  First step?

Start by filling out a Discovery Conversation form. A Communitas team member will get in touch with you to walk you through the path to the field.
