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Why Go? – Our Temporary Home

We are starting a series highlighting various reasons why our missionaries decided to join us in partnering with God in creating communities of faith. 

Maybe God is nudging you or someone you know? Read on!

Todd and Y Bonesteele were 37 years old with four young kids between the ages of 2 and 8. Living in Orange County, California, they belonged to a church and community they loved. Todd’s job was coming to an end in the finance industry because the company was closing down. In the midst of that, they knew God had plans for them but were unsure of what those plans might look like.

One Sunday, a missionary spoke at their church. After the service they heard people saying, “Wow, I could never do that!” But in their hearts, their love for different cultures (being an inter-racial couple) and their passion for ministry (both enjoyed discipling people), had them saying, “We’d go in a second if we thought God was telling us to go!” 

Which spurred the thought, “Then why aren’t we going?”

As they prayed about where God would lead them, there was no audible voice, no burning bush, no parting sea. But God gave them an assurance and a peace that all would be well. Adventure with God was before them as they looked at ministering in post-Christian Europe. 

So the Bonesteeles decided, “Let’s go!” With young children, they knew going abroad would expose their family to new cultures as they served Jesus. They knew there was much to sacrifice, but also much to gain. Right after that decision, a minor but assuring confirmation happened when Y heard “Temporary Home” by Carrie Underwood on the radio. They would be leaving their family, community, church body, and home. But God reminded them that there was a greater family, community, and home always awaiting them. This world is temporary, but God’s Kingdom is eternal. That sealed the deal. They sold their home, their cars, and a majority of their belongings and stepped into a new season with the Lord.

Todd and Y served with Communitas in Madrid, Spain for 6½ years with their four kids who are now fluent in Spanish – and have a worldview unlike most other children. 
Is there a nudging in your heart, a restlessness that is calling you to something more, something different? Do you sense that “this is just a stop on the way to where we’re going?” Feel free to contact a Communitas mission guide if God is calling you to learn more about who we are and how we could serve you as a part of seeing God’s Kingdom come around the world.

Ready for a  First step?

Start by filling out a Discovery Conversation form. A Communitas team member will get in touch with you to walk you through the path to the field.
