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Support Plan

Please complete this form to create or update your Communitas support plan. This information will be used to set your fundraising targets and to estimate your future paycheck. It is not necessary to provide a personal budget to Communitas. HR will respond to your submission as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please email us!

*Indicates required field

"*" indicates required fields

Including city and team, if known
Are you approved as a Team Leader?
Have you been ordained or commissioned as Clergy?
Including yourself and all dependent children
If US citizen, have you opted out of the U.S. Social Security system by securing the necessary approval of IRS Form 4361?
Blank = 100%
Indicate currency.
Indicate currency. Please refer to Communitas Policy manual for options and requirements regarding health insurance.
Indicate currency.
Indicate currency. Enter zero if already on field.
Indicate currency.
Indicate currency. Communitas maintains a group retirement 403B policy with Envoy Financial. Using this 403B policy you can save for retirement PRE-TAX. For more information, please ask the HR Team when we discuss your support plan!

The information you’re providing through this form will be used only by Communitas to fulfill your request and will not be shared with anyone else. For more details on how we handle your data, please read our privacy policy.
