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Core Values and Practices

Communitas adheres to three core values that guide our actions as we seek to see His kingdom expanded here on earth as it is in heaven.

Kingdom Seeking

We value… 

  • God’s intent for churches to be formed through disciples who live out the Gospel of Jesus and call others to follow Him.
  • God’s invitation to participate in establishing His Kingdom, which is both now and not yet.
  • The authority of Scripture and its cultural relevance.
  • The building of community through the Holy Spirit’s leading and gifting in individuals.
  • A life of worship and passionate devotion to Christ.

and so we… 

  • Actively seek where He is already at work to join with Him.
  • Embrace the daily rhythms of our lives as opportunities to include others in our communities so that they might see Jesus in us and we might see Him in them.
  • Seek to apply God’s Word to real-life situations, prioritizing transformation over information.
  • Are willing to be innovative and take calculated risks to lavishly spread the gospel of Jesus and His kingdom.
  • Engage in service, prayer, and study within our communities and as individuals, desiring to keep our focus on Jesus.

Grace Oriented

Living lives that reflect the transforming power of God’s grace and restorative forgiveness without pretense.

We value…

  • The power of God’s grace to transform lives
  • Transparency
  • The restoring power of forgiveness

and so we… 

  • Welcome and extend God’s grace to others as well as ourselves, seeking to be honest about who we are and growing towards maturity in Christ.
  • Strive for authenticity over conformity and “realness” over performance and we resist attempts to legislate the Christian life through human rules.
  • Purpose to respond redemptively rather than judicially to conflict, choosing to be vulnerable, approachable, open, and teachable.
  • Are willing to laugh at ourselves, maintaining a light-hearted element to our relationships and gatherings, yet serious about accomplishing our tasks.

People Focused

Developing relationships that bring emotional, relational and spiritual health to individuals, families and communities.

We value…

  • Developing relationships
  • Emotional, relational, and spiritual health in individuals, families, and communities
  • Each person’s unique contribution to the Kingdom of God
  • Leadership which is exercised in a collaborative, facilitative style in a team setting

and so we… 

  • Practice generous hospitality by opening our lives and our homes to the people God brings into our midst
  • Are committed to developing healthy ministry teams and to caring for both our adults and children in an intentional and holistic manner
  • Desire that all people develop their character, strengths, and spiritual gifts and we promote both personal and professional development for all staff
  • Embrace gender-balanced and culturally diverse leadership at all levels of our mission

Communitas International has also made the following commitments
