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Urban Monastics

Urban Monastics

Urban Monastics is community of people from all walks and backgrounds, seeking to be present with God, and be present with others. We strive to live lives honoring to God, focusing on the basic practices we see Jesus do. By prioritizing prayer, communion, and fasting,...
Melinda Means

Melinda Means

The road to my current work in Berlin began as far back as my late teens, when I first moved to Europe to live as an exchange student in Germany right after high school. Although I made a few trips to Berlin as a tourist prior to the Berlin Wall’s fall in 1989, I did...
Christine Thumm

Christine Thumm

I grew up in the South of Germany. I am a native speaker and a “real” German. Shortly after finishing college, I moved to Berlin (north). The reason for this transition was a employment opportunity allowed me to get training and work as a graphic designer. While...
William & Sheila Whittenberg

William & Sheila Whittenberg

William and Sheila have been serving in Berlin since 2001. While they initally came over to plant churches themselves, their work has now evolved to serving the German church by coaching German church planters and training children’s ministry workers.
Missional Moment: Eating Together in Germany

Missional Moment: Eating Together in Germany

Listen as Martin and Debora Kuder, from Germany, share with us about the importance of community and how times of eating together can help bring about fellowship and communion.  Like the early disciples, sharing a meal has become a main theme during their...