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Missional Moment: Linus Morris on Being Sent

Missional Moment: Linus Morris on Being Sent

Listen to Linus Morris, founder of Communitas International (previously known as Christian Associates), as he talks about what it means to “be sent”.  As the institutional church struggles to be effective in today’s culture, Linus shares about...
50 Years of Impact

50 Years of Impact

Communitas International is celebrating 50 years of God at work through our movement. With you, we start churches who think, care, and act like Jesus in the world. These churches and church-planting projects are actively reaching people in need across Europe, North...
Erin Preshoot

Erin Preshoot

I have worked in ministry for my entire professional life, starting in youth ministry and moving into global ministry. While working at my church as the youth administrator I was invited to be a leader on a student missions trip to Sopron, Hungary to take care of...