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Missional Moment: Life Transformation in Uruguay

Missional Moment: Life Transformation in Uruguay

Philippe Bled, who works with Serve the City in Uruguay, talks about the life transformation he went through because of his participation with the Serve The City project. When a group came to serve on the streets of Uruguay, Philippe caught a beautiful glimpse of what...
Missional Moment: Going Out in Uruguay

Missional Moment: Going Out in Uruguay

Meet Diego Melgar, a member of the El Living “expression” in Uruguay.  Listen as Diego talks about what it means to “go out” and touch the lives of those who may never step inside a traditional church.  Through loving people, because...
Making Disciples–In Real Life

Making Disciples–In Real Life

What does starting new churches “actually” look like? So often we mistake starting new churches with starting new church services. Within Communitas, our driving questions whenever we start a new church are this: How and where is God already moving in our...
God is Moving in Brazil

God is Moving in Brazil

God is on the move! Even in the midst of strange COVID-19 days, we see God at work. Here are a few examples from our teams across Brazil, the nation with the second highest COVID cases in the world: São Paulo Sampa Church was our first church in Latin America....
God Can Find Anyone!

God Can Find Anyone!

Communitas International is reaching the world for Christ through many ministries, and God is touching people in many ways. If God can speak through a donkey, as we read in Scripture, He can use anything to spread the name of Christ… even social media! In Brazil,...