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ICCP – Aix-En-Provence

The International Christian Community of Provence [iccp] is an international, English-speaking church in Aix-en-Provence, France. Our Vision, Mission, Values, and Practices are stated as follows:

It is our Mission is to provide life-changing encounters with God to the English-speaking community in Provence. As we do this, we also desire to be used by God to shine the light of Jesus among the local French with whom we live.

It is our Vision to see [iccp] as a church abiding in Christ, connecting with others, and being a blessing in Provence and beyond.

Our Values & Practices

  • Abide – Growing in studying Scripture and active in prayer, allowing the word of Christ to dwell richly in us.
  • Connect – Intentionally developing grace-filled relationships through serving one another, opening up our community and our lives to one another.
  • Bless – Meeting the needs of those around us, multiplying our life and community, and sharing the message of Jesus both in France and the world.


Project Stage

Mature - they are regularly meeting as a church and faith community

Project Age

55 Years

Social Media
