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The Well

Picture a well – ancient rounded stones of all shapes and sizes, fresh thirst-quenching water, and a big bucket to draw water and serve others. We are the Well – the living stones of community, the living water of faith in Jesus, and a bucket full of love for the world.

Make a wish for a better world and drop a coin in the well. What happens? It sinks deep to the bottom, but not before making ripples that spread out wide. In the same way, our common conversation about the life of Jesus sinks deep into our hearts to make us more like him and spreads out wide from our community to change the world.

We are the Well. We see thirsty people gathering at the Well, becoming a community, finding life in Jesus. We see water from the Well carried to a thirsty city and new wells springing up in Brussels and beyond.

We meet weekly as different expressions of the Well in cafés, art studios, community centers, schools, and homes. Once a month – usually the first Sunday of the month – everyone in the Well meets together for friendship, a meal, and to exalt Jesus as Lord. Our common goal is Jesus Christ changing lives through reproducing communities of Christian faith and mission in Brussels and beyond.

The Well started in 2005 in Brussels, Belgium. We are friends from many different cultures and faith traditions following Jesus together according to the Bible and the Holy Spirit.  We are a part of A.Net, BESPA, and Communitas church networks.


Project Stage

Mature - they are regularly meeting as a church and faith community

Project Age

55 Years

Social Media
