Missional Initiative – Sicily

Missional Initiative – Sicily

We want to come alongside those here in Sicily who are followers of Jesus, encouraging them to grow in and be united by their faith. Together with them, we want to build authentic relationships and serve in our communities among those who have yet to encounter the...
Hillary Cummings

Hillary Cummings

I have had the desire to live in Italy ever since I was here on a missions trip in 2004. There is so much I love about Italian culture: the people, art, food, landscape, architecture, coffee!, pace… to a name a few! After spending 6 months here in Sicily in 2013...
Matthew & Anna Davis

Matthew & Anna Davis

The Davis’ ministry is a discipleship model with their home and table being the backdrop where they can share how to Love God, Be Free, Walk with Him and Love Others. Their mission is to help heal and restore masculine and feminine hearts back to God. In 2015,...
Marcelo & Elise Farinelli

Marcelo & Elise Farinelli

Ciao! We are the Farinelli family – Marcelo, Elise, Giulia, and Lily. God has called us to join his redemptive mission in Italy. We have been here from November 2012-April 2017 and now again from April 2019-present. We are so excited about what God is doing nationally...