Sports Team Member – Proyecto Málaga

Official Title

Team Member

Commitment Duration

Job Description

<div id="column-5ff5e0aeb3de1" class="fw-col-sm-8 tf-sh-e8c27b2d9b507ff031ebabd40ad017c4"> <div class="fw-wrap-col-inner clearfix "> <div class="fw-col-inner"> <div class="fw-imagebox clearfix fw-imagebox-1 tf-sh-6359a5b86edc5aca1fe0c1285cd51d45 text-left "> <div class="fw-imagebox-aside"> <div class="fw-imagebox-text"> <p><!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>¿Amas a deportistas, Españoles y Jesús? ¡Pues mira esta oportunidad!</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --></p> <p>Do you love sports people, Spaniards, and Jesus? Then check out this opportunity!</p> <p><!-- /wp:paragraph --></p> <p><strong>The Role</strong></p> <p>We are looking for people who are mature in their faith and commitment to Jesus and identify with the mission and values of Communitas and are available for a minimum of 4 years. This would be a person who loves sport and has experience serving the sports community (coach, trainer, bio mechanic, player, etc.) This person must have a high level of fluency in Spanish, being either Spanish or having adapted to the Spanish culture. Also, it is essential that this person has a passion for the need for new expressions of the church.</p> <p><strong>About Proyecto Málaga (Missional Iniciative Málaga)</strong></p> <p>Málaga is a city where sport is flourishing. We believe that God wants to use sports to reach people who don’t know Him and wouldn’t get to know Him in a traditional church context. There is a lot of religiosity which opens doors to talk about spirituality. The good news is that the people live with spiritual hunger and thirst. We need to create bridges that will bring people to the feet of Jesus so they can be fully restored.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>


<p>We’d prefer the following, but are open to things being a little different…</p> <ul> <li>This person has a passion to take care of people, the type of person who calls you when you really need it.</li> <li>Is moved with compassion when they see people who don´t know Jesus</li> <li>Enjoys starting up new projects and innovating.</li> <li>Able to think and dream beyond the already established.</li> <li>Understands that a pastor/leader is not a stand-alone man of all trades.</li> <li>Passion and compassion for meeting the social needs like Jesus did.</li> <li>Sees participation in sports as one way that a believer can worship God. Missionary to China and Olympic athlete Eric Liddell said “I believe God made me for China. But he also made me fast. And when I run I feel his pleasure.”</li> <li>Someone you can share your fears and secrets with without worrying they will use it against you.</li> <li>Does everything for the glory of Jesus, or at least tries ;).</li> <li>Able to work without a boss looking over his/her shoulder.</li> <li>Enjoys working as a team.</li> </ul>


<p>The salary and ministry expenses of this position are funded through personal support raising, bivocational funding or self-funding. Applicants will be asked to go through the Communitas Missionary Candidate Process including fundraising if needed and orientation prior to starting the position. A funding plan for this position will be provided during the deputation process.</p>

Belief and Commitment

All staff need to maintain a strong commitment to our:
Statement of Faith
Statement on Gender Equality
Statement on Racial Equity

Date Posted